I just wanted to give a brief life update, because I've been awfully quiet on the web this past month. After publishing "The Pinball Machine of Science", I packed up my computer and shipped my family, our stuff, and myself across the country. I'm still in Canada though!
How did all this fit in my last home office?
I was hoping to get back into animation production sooner, but after packing, cleaning the old house, traveling, cleaning the new house, waiting for our boxes to arrive, unpacking, and getting my computer and office reassembled, it's been over a month since leaving.
A good start.
Putting my giant heatsink back in, along with the graphics cards and hard drives (shipped separately).
Oh yeah, and I might have done a very quick side project to wire an old-school SNES retropie to a CRT TV I picked up at the side of the road.
I don’t know very much about electronics, but I had no qualms about sacrificing this old mini-USB cable.
It works!
Despite the "summer break", I have a lot of plans for the next animations and other things I'm excited to share with you. Remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel (http://youtube.com/biocinematics) if you haven't already (it's totally free - $0.00!).
Thanks for reading, and thank you for your patience in waiting for new content to be released.